Right of Way (Utility or Special Use) Permits Utility Permit UID# 214
App. Status: Canceled
Valid: 03/26/2018 - 06/01/2018
McLeod County Public Works
1400 Adams Street SE
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Phone: (320) 484-4321
Fax: (320) 234-6971


  • I. Except as otherwise permitted, utility construction and relocation on County Highway right of way shall not be commenced until an application for a Permit has been made and such Permit granted. The Permit sketch shall show the location of the proposed utility with reference to County Highway centerline. A copy of the sketch shall be provided for each copy of such Permit.
    II. Burning or disking operations and/or the use of chemicals to control or kill trees, brush and other vegetation is prohibited without prior approval from the County Highway Engineer.
    III. All waterways and lines of drainage shall remain operative.
    IV. Wherever topsoil and sod are disturbed they shall be replaced and maintained satisfactorily until the turf is established.
    V. The utility facility and installations shall not interfere with any existing utility facilities on the County Highway right of way.
    VI. When necessary, traffic control, including but not limited to barricades, warning devices and flagmen shall be provided by the Utility during all phases of their construction and maintenance operations on County Highway right of way. All traffic control shall be in accordance with the latest version of the MMUTCD.
    VII. At the time of construction of the utility and at the times of subsequent maintenance, prior approval shall be obtained from the County Highway Engineer for the cutting and trimming of trees within the County Highway right of way. Wherever trees are cut the resulting stumps shall be removed unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions of the Permit. Any holes caused by stump removal shall be backfilled, the area leveled and all materials associated therewith disposed of outside the county highway right of way. The utility shall advise the County Highway Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of its intent to start clearing and grubbing operations so that proper supervision can be provided.
    VIII. The Utility shall notify the County Highway Engineer of its intent to perform service and maintenance operations, which will interfere with the flow of traffic on county highways, and shall obtain his approval prior to performing such operations. However, the Company may perform service and maintenance operations on county highways including opening and disturbing the surface of the right of way without prior approval in those instances where an emergency exists that is dangerous to the life or safety of the public and which requires immediate repair. The Utility shall take all necessary and reasonable safety measures to protect the traveling public and shall notify the County Highway Engineer at the earliest possible moment.
    IX. If at any time McLeod County, acting through its Board of County Commissioners, shall deem it necessary to make any improvements or changes on all or any part of the right of way of the County Highway which affect a utility located on county highway right of way, then and in such event, the owner of the utility shall within 15 days after written notice from the Board of County Commissioners, or its authorized agent, proceed to alter, change, vacate or remove said utility from the County Highway right of way so as to conform to said County Highway changes and as directed by the Board of County Commissioners. Such work shall be done without any cost whatsoever to McLeod County and shall be completed within the date specified in said written notice. The Utility shall assume all liability and save McLeod County harmless from any and all claims of damage of any nature whatsoever occasioned by reason of not having removed said utility within the time specified in said notice.
    X. The Utility shall assume all liability for, and save the County, its agents and employees, harmless from, any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of the work to be done herein and the continuing uses by the Utility, including but not limited to the placing, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using of said utility under this application and Permit.
    XI. The Board of County Commissioners may require the Utility, or its contractor, to furnish a deposit in the form of a certified check, a surety bond or corporate undertaking, in favor of the Board of County Commissioners of McLeod County, for any expense incurred by the County in the repairing of damage to any portion of the County Highway right of way caused by work performed under a Permit, including any out of the ordinary engineering supervision and inspection expense provided by the County. In those instances wherein a deposit is required the amount of the deposit shall be specified in the Special Provisions of the Permit. If a check is furnished, any monies remaining over and above such expense shall be returned to the applicant.
    XII. The permit is issued does not in any way imply an easement on private property. Other permits may be necessary from State, City, and/or Township. It is up to the permit holder to obtain those.
    XIII. The installations shall be made in conformity with all applicable laws; regulations and codes covering said installations. All installations shall be made in conformity with regulations of governmental agencies for the protection of the public.
    XIV. Upon completion of an installation, the Utility shall restore the County Highway right of way to its original condition, including but not limited to pavement surface, shoulders, drainage, and turf. The Utility shall then notify the office of the County Highway Engineer of the completion of the work so that inspection can be made to determine its acceptability.
    XV. If any settlement occurs the same shall be restored to a condition as good or better than original.
    XVI. Roadway shall be kept clean and free of any mud, debris, or other foreign material.

  • I. All crossings of the roadbeds of the county highways shall be made by boring inside a casing or carrier pipe, or by jacking, unless this procedure is modified in the Special Provisions of the Permit. The auger shall not lead the casing or carrier pipe by more than one inch. Open trenching shall be restricted to the area from 5 feet beyond the shoulder to the right of way line except as modified in the Special Provisions of the Permit.
    II. When pipes with bells or flags are installed, the crossings of the roadbeds of the County Highway shall be made by boring inside a conduit as provided in paragraph I of this section or jacking a conduit of sufficient diameter to permit threading the carrier pipe through it.
    III. Drain tile crossings must consist of material type SDR 35 PVC or better for burry depths greater than 4'. Burry depths of less than 4' may require heavier materials. Dual wall plastic pipe may be permitted after detailed review of specification sheets for the piping material and connection types.
    IV. All voids caused by jacking or boring shall be filled by pressure grouting. The grout material shall consist of sand and cement slurry of a least two sacks of cement per cubic yard and a minimum of water to assure satisfactory placement.
    V. The Underground utilities shall be so installed as virtually to preclude any necessity for disturbing the roadbeds to perform maintenance operations.
    IV. Underground installations shall be accomplished without damaging or destroying the principal root structure of specimen trees.

Invoice #172 (03/22/2018)

Charge Cost Quantity Total
added 03/22/2018 8:12 AM

For any Utility in Right of Way

$125.00 x 1 $125.00
Grand Total
Total $125.00
Payment 03/22/2018$125.00
This Application was canceled, so you may not pay for this Invoice.


ApplicantBrenda K. Sudheimer - 03/22/2018 8:12 AM
#1 County Engineer/Designee 
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